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XTi Science
Trial of XTi PAWS on Chukar Partridge growth and egg production
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June 21, 2023

Trial of XTi PAWS on Chukar Partridge growth and egg production, 4/2022 – 6/2023

Internal XTi Trial

Conclusion: Exposure of Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) to XTi’s pulsed alternating wavelength system (PAWS) resulted in improved egg production and sustained bird size with overall improvement in bird aggression.

Study Objective:

  • To evaluate the effect of XTi PAWS on growth and production of Chukar Partridge.
  • To assess the ability of XTi lighting to control and maximize gamebird egg production while in captivity.
  • Previous XTi trials on layer hens and Alectoris rufa have shown accelerated bird growth and improved egg production.
  • Game birds generally lay 1-2 clutches of eggs in the wild. Egg production is very dependent on seasonality and light exposure.


  • The study was conducted at XTi’s research facility in northern Colorado.
  • 180 Redleg Partridge (Alectoris chukar) chicks were obtained from a commercial producer. The birds were placed into 10 tents. Eight tents had XTi “recipes”, 2 tents were controls. All tents were placed on ramping light protocols as recommended by the commercial producer.
  • Birds were transferred to commercial battery lay cages at 133 days old and XTi recipes were changed from “grow” recipes to “lay” recipes.
  • Bird weight and egg production data was collected to week 62 when the trial was ended.
  • Birds were kept in commercial gamebird battery cages and fed standard gamebird feed.


  • Birds under XTi recipes showed an increase in production relative to the control birds. XTi birds also had a slower decline in production over the course of the trial.
  • XTi bird weights were not inferior to control birds. There was no decline in bird weight or negative impact on bird health despite increased egg production.


  • Data from Alectoris chukar was similar to that seen with Redleg Partridge and commercial laying hens – improved egg production and improved/steady bird growth.
  • These gains are seen without observing any negative bird outcomes.
  • Birds generally seem to be less stressed with less aggressive behaviors noted.
  • This data could allow producers of gamebirds to increase and control chick production with improved bird health.
See Reference Documentation

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