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XTi Science
Effect of XTi pulsed alternating wavelength system (PAWS) in a commercial environment
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January 20, 2022

Effect of XTi pulsed alternating wavelength system (PAWS) in a commercial environment, 2019 – 2022

Multiple Commercial Producers and XTi

Conclusion: Use of XTi lighting in commercial pullet and layer barns resulted in improved bird growth, increased early and sustained egg production, as well as improved egg size distribution. These results confirmed patterns seen in earlier internal XTi trials.

Study Objectives:

  • To determine if the impact of XTi PAWS lighting on bird growth and production in commercial egg producer barns was as effective as those seen in internal XTi studies.
  • To determine if animal stress and overall welfare could be improved in a commercial setting.


  • Multiple internal XTi studies on layer hens has showed a consistent improvement in bird growth and increased early egg production.
  • Internal XTi studies had also showed an improvement in egg size distribution.


  • Data was collected at several commercial facilities across the United States where XTi lighting had been installed.
  • Data was collected from Hy-line W80 and LSL laying hen varieties.
  • XTi lights were installed in existing light sockets in both pullet and layer barns. XTi lights were on 17 hrs/day.
  • Most XTi barns had a matched control barn from the same flock of birds.
  • Data was collected by the producers and forwarded to XTi for review and analysis.
  • Commercial barns averaged around 200,000 birds each.
  • General bird care, feed, etc. was managed per company standards.


  • Commercial pullets under XTi lighting showed improved growth and maturity similar to internal XTi trials.
  • XTi lit hens reached maximum production earlier and maintained production with a slower decline with age.
  • Commercial hens under XTi lighting had much improved egg size distribution compared to hens under standard lighting protocols.
  • Case weights increased early and remained steady during the course of the trials. This is a benefit to the producer.


  • Outcomes that were seen during multiple internal XTi trials were confirmed in a commercial setting.
  • XTi lighting can consistently result in early, healthy, bird growth and sexual maturity. Birds are then able to begin laying at an earlier age without any negative health impacts.
  • Birds reach maximal egg production earlier and can deliver better egg size distribution for the producer.
  • Case weights reached targets earlier and maintained steady weights with less upward drift as the birds aged.
  • No negative impacts were seen in regard to bird health.
  • Overall animal stress was subjectively improved in XTi lit barns.
See Reference Documentation

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